![]() 04/12/2019 at 13:54 • Filed to: Star Wars, Star Wars IX, Methaphors, Movies, Films, Talkies, Moving Pictures | ![]() | ![]() |
J.J. Abrams characters are literally rebuilding what Rian Johnson characters broke.
Metaphors !
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:05 |
Did I see Lando somewhere in there?
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:07 |
Hard Pass...other than Rogue One the movies have been unimpressive. The cartoons in Clone Wars and Rebels have been great though...
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:09 |
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:09 |
H as A-wings. Already okay in my book.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:10 |
you did
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:44 |
Just found out that laugh was Emperor Palpatine’s
![]() 04/12/2019 at 14:56 |
Yeah I heard that at the end as well. But I'm not sure what it means.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:07 |
A warning to watch for walkways without railings?
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:17 |
Unlike much of the internet I actually liked Last Jedi, but if bringing back Palpatine is the way to appease angry fanbois I’m ok with it. Do what must be done Lord JJ
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:25 |
Wasn’t he picked up and thrown?
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:32 |
I love me some star wars. Still waiting for the 19 part series on the Yuuzhan Vong invas
ion of the star wars galaxy. I think that will get me retirement.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:39 |
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:43 |
I liked TLJ
and TFA
, but like the rest of the internet I was hopping the movies would follow the written star wars fiction and not create a new cannon.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:45 |
Star Wars: The Death of my Childhood
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:51 |
![]() 04/12/2019 at 15:53 |
Our childhoods are not worth remembering tbh
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:12 |
Not totally sure what you mean by that, are you saying you thought it would be based on something from the EU like the Thrawn trilogy or the Yuuzhan Vong war? Personally I’m glad they didn’t do that. There was just too much material to keep everything straight , it’s the same problem Star Trek has run into.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:16 |
Yes. Wouldn’t that be marvelous
04/12/2019 at 16:23 |
The EU never was cannon with the movies....
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:27 |
The Yuuzhan Vong always seemed pretty out there for me but Thrawn would have been cool. But, he did show up in Rebels at least
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:29 |
It certainly seemed like it was cannon to me, ie after the “
return of the jedi”
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:31 |
I was a lot happier when I was a kid.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 16:31 |
I read about 5 of the Yuzong vong series and after novel 6 I was just not vested in the story anymore. The first few were good.
04/12/2019 at 16:46 |
Lucas was always very specific about the EU : you could play with his toys, but you had to pay first, you had to play by his rules (Events prior to the series were off limits), and he was free to ignore anything you did. This eventually led to the idiot “tiered” canon system:
G-canon was George Lucas Canon ; the six Episodes and any statements by George Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public). Elements originating with Lucas in the movie novelizations, reference books, and other sources were also G-canon, though anything created by the authors of those sources was C-canon. When the films were changed , the newest editions were deemed to take canonical precedence over older ones, as they corrected mistakes, improved consistency between the two trilogies, and expressed Lucas’s current vision of the Star Wars universe most closely. The deleted scenes included on the DVDs were also considered G-canon (when they didn’t conflict with the movie). [3]
T-canon , [4] or Television Canon , [5] referred to the canon level comprising the feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars . (It would have also included the ultimately unproduced Star Wars live-action TV series .) [6] [7] It was devised more recently in order to define a status above the C-Level canon, as confirmed by Chee. [8]
C-canon was Continuity Canon , consisting of all recent works (and many older works) released under the name of Star Wars : books, comics, games, cartoons, non-theatrical films, and more. Games were a special case, as generally only the stories were C-canon, while things like stats and gameplay may not have been; [9] they also offered non-canonical options to the player, such as choosing female gender for a canonically male character. C-canon elements have appeared in the movies, making them G-canon; examples include the name “ Coruscant ,” swoop bikes , Quinlan Vos , Aayla Secura , YT-2400 freighters and Action VI transports .
S-canon was Secondary Canon ; the materials were available to be used or ignored as needed by authors. This included mostly older works, such as much of the original Marvel Star Wars comics, that predated a consistent effort to maintain continuity; it also contained certain elements of a few otherwise N-canon stories, and other things that “may not fit just right.” Many formerly S-canon elements were elevated to C-canon through their inclusion in more recent works by continuity-minded authors, while many other older works (such as The Han Solo Adventures ) were accounted for in continuity from the start despite their age, and thus were always C-canon.
D was Detours Canon , used for material hailing from Star Wars Detours . [10]
N was Non-Canon . What-if stories (such as stories published under the Infinities label) and anything else directly and irreconcilably contradicted by higher canon ended up here. N was the only level that was not considered canon by Lucasfilm. Information cut from canon, deleted scenes, or canceled Star Wars works fell into this category as well, unless another canonical work referenced it and it was declared canon
Fortunately Lucasfilm dumped all that in 2014:
Since then, the only previously published material still considered canon are the six original trilogy / prequel trilogy films, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series and film , and Part I of the short story Blade Squadron . Most material published after April 25—such as the Star Wars Rebels TV series along with all Marvel Star Wars comic books and novels beginning with A New Dawn —is also considered part of the new canon, on account of the creation of the Lucasfilm Story Group , which currently oversees continuity as a whole. Characters under the Legends banner are still available for use as needed, even if events concerning them are no longer canon.
![]() 04/12/2019 at 17:01 |
This doesn’t contradict my assertion
![]() 04/12/2019 at 17:21 |
Ok then.